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This is a quick update before I head downstairs for a breakfast meeting.
I’m in Dallas with my business team. Last night we had a powerful and dynamic presentation, and then I sat around at dinner with some of my direct business partners for two hours. This included a guy named “Cowboy” Jeff McFatridge, Todd and Jodi Ganovski, and two guys who are part of my team who joined me here.
The conversations were all about God’s rescue operation in our lives! It was amazing and spiritually energizing. This is a business set up to make money, like every business must be. We get gold, silver and precious metals into people’s hands for 10-20% less than anyone else on the planet. But it is also a relational network of like-minded followers of Jesus Christ who are expanding His Kingdom. I was so encouraged.
So while we are here training on how to build this network, how to understand the economy and where it is going, how to help people obtain the safe harbor for wealth since the dawn of history, known as “God’s money”, we are also enjoying real fellowship in the Lord at the same time!
Here I am standing with two of my mid-TN team Jim and Hemp, plus the founder of ACM Justin, who is a software genius and also someone who has worked with gold and silver for 25 years and understands the importance of its role in economic stability.
Wynonna Judd and Cactus Moser gave me the hat for my birthday, a custom-made “High Plains Drifter” hat made by Huck Johns. He has never made the same hat twice so it was a very cool blessing.
If you want to know more about how to get gold and silver into your hands or portfolio at the absolute best price on the planet then click on the logo below to find out more.
I feel this is part of my call in these days, to help people gain freedom spirit, soul and body; precious metals can be an important part of that. Plus learning how to create another stream of income that can outpace your full-time job is a very real potential with this network.
The description of creation in Genesis is so enlightening.
In the invention of time as recorded by Moses in the creation account, evening was the beginning of the day.
"There was evening and there was morning, the first day..."
This pattern repeats throughout the description of each day. In the Jewish culture, shaped as it was by the oracles of God, the day always begins with evening.
The Bible should be our fact-checker in everything.
In other words, all activity for God's creation begins from REST.
Adam's first full day was God's day of rest.
Adam was born INTO rest.
So much of what we have experienced in human history is because we have completely reversed God's ways, we emancipated ourselves from God, and that independence has brought destruction under the hand of satanic rule, self-ambition, self-promotion and celebrity culture. This rot has infected the church as well and we are seeing judgment in the household of God as so much evil is being exposed in the business of churchianity.
Sleep is where we rest, we cease our outward activity, and our conscious self-generating mind is turned off. Our bodies and minds heal. We have not honored rest and therefore we have reaped dis-ease of every kind: mental, soul, body, spirit.
There is a lot to ponder here.
So many of you have mentioned how encouraging this gathering has been! I'm so thankful for our time together at The Mission Cigar & Social each Tuesday morning, 7am.
For two weeks now we have explored the importance of hearings God’s voice in our life. I started by teaching from scripture two weeks ago on this subject, then last week we had a panel of Greg Wark, Jon Sparks and Michael Farren talk about their experiences and understanding of following the Spirit and hearing God’s voice. It was an incredible morning of challenge, encouragement and men wrestling through this very important reality.
This week Padraic Russell will be sharing some of his story with us. Padraic is a happily married father of three and follower of Jesus. He’s a successful technology executive but his real passion is for the fatherless. He and his wife of 22 years have cared for eight children in foster care, adopting one of them along the way. Padraic found “Tavern Talks” through an Instagram post and came on his own and has become an important part of our fellowship.
Bring your coffee, your Bible, Febreze if you go to the office after, an open mind and open heart. You can purchase a cigar as well to enjoy your first cigar of the day.
We are really grateful to Mark, Monte and Willie for opening up The Mission early each Tuesday and participating in Tavern Talks!
Looking Up!
Tod Bell
Chief Tavern Host